Our Story

When you’re passionate about something, it consumes you. That’s exactly how Branded Brewsky was born—a family passing down through the generations an obsession with creating high-quality glassware that is as beautiful as it is durable.
Branded Brewsky CEO Scott Mills’ earliest memories are about glass. Born in Buffalo, New York, it was the topic of more family conversations than he can count and what helped put food on the dinner table. From an early age, he can remember his parents instilling in him a deep appreciation for the craft.
My dad worked a full-time gig, but he was an entrepreneur at heart. He’d come home from his job and he and my mom would go out in the garage, fire up the kiln, and stay hard at work until 10 or 11 o’clock at night. They’d be tired, but it was a labor of love. UPS would come first thing in the morning and pick up all the orders, and then my dad would be off to his day job and start the whole process all over again.
Like many people up north, Scott and his family took vacations in Florida. They vacationed all throughout the state and even subscribed to some of the newspapers, allowing them to read about what was happening in the Sunshine State when they made their way back home.
In 1987, Scott’s family was reading an issue of The Florida Times-Union and saw that a glass decorator, headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, was up for sale. Scott’s dad went to work right away, moving down to Florida so that he could buy the company and revitalize it. The family built a legacy company over the next three and a half decades, but after inheriting the family business, Scott saw even greater potential…
He wanted to get out in front and provide the best possible experience to everyone, from major bar and restaurant chains to corporate events to small groups commemorating a special event in their lives.
With more than 30 years of experience, Branded Brewsky is at the forefront of custom glassware decoration and we’re excited to take your glassware to the next level. Whether it’s branded pint glasses, personalized wine glass sets, or custom dinnerware, you can count on Branded Brewsky to get you exactly what you need when you need it.